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Seva Opportunities

Chinmaya Mission New Orleans thrives completely due to the sincere efforts of all its volunteers. This sacred institution, which is so dear to our hearts and so precious for all of us and even more so for our children, is run by the umpteen numbers of volunteer hours in one form of service or the other. It is here that we enjoy the blissful experience of selfless Seva by undertaking to be a true Karma Yogi. It is easy - you simply have to make up your mind and board the "Seva Express" and Bhagavan promises you an absolutely joyous ride.

The various areas in which one can serve are as follows:
  • Train to be a Bala Vihar Teacher
  • Cultural Activity Team
  • Food Team
  • Library
  • Helper in setting up classes
  • IT & Web Development
To serve in any capacity please contact: Palani and Tulasi
Phone:504-258-7444 or 504-258-7793.